Risunsky's Commission

All the information and links you need are here.Commissioning me implies that you have read and accepted all the rules detailed below.Don't be afraid to ask for clarification and information, even if it doesn't result in a commission.

Classic Commission






additional character +70%pet +20%
(Basically an animal that interacts with the character, whether it's a pet or an enemy. The animal shouldn't be bigger or more complicated than the character, so not a giant dragon for example.)
item +20%
(Anything inanimate that can be held or manoeuvred with one or two hands. If it's bigger, it counts as a background element or a vehicle.)
vehicle or mount +70%
(Anything as big as a bicycle or bigger. Like a car, a tiger, a dragon, a hot-air balloon, a mecha robot of death - anything that can carry the character and move around.)
my usual parchment +0
few elements for context: +35%


In the future, I'd like to add some options focused on TTRPG (mainly items and isometric maps) if you're interested in such things, let me know!

General terms of service

1.1- The opening will always be announced on my main social media, tumblr, instagram, twitter.
The limited number of places (If there is) will be specified each time in the announce post.
Check the most recent advert post to see if there's any slot left, otherwise you'll be on the waiting list for the next opening.
If I don't think I'll be opening again for a long time, you'll be warned.
During closed commissions, the form below will indicate that it is no longer taking replies. If this is the case, please wait until the next openning.
1.2- For commissions outside the guidelines set out here, for example:
-If what you need is not in the options.
-For a complete and complex illustration as shown in my gallery.
-For commercial use.
It's possible, contact me by email to discuss the details.
2.- My rates2.1- Prices can change at any time, depending on the ups and downs of life, and you can take advantage of exceptional reductions when the situation allows or requires it.2.2- I give a starting price, which may vary depending on the complexity of your demand.2.3- Be sure to check the exchange rate if your currency is not in euros.2.4- If you start questioning the legitimacy of my prices, I won't waste any time and will politely end the discussion. That doesn't mean you can't come back later if you change your mind.3.- Options3.1- As for the list of do's and don'ts, I'd say just ask and I'll see if it's in my skill set or not.
I accept OCs, fanart, anthro, furry, monster etc... Subjects like gore, horror, cute, funny, suggestive erotica.
I won't do full NSFW.
I refuse anything purely hateful or offensive of course. And you'll be blacklisted if you ask for anything like that.
3.2- The parchment background is a free option because it's an integral part of my style, just tell me if you want it darker or lighter or colored otherwise I'll choose it myself.4.- How to proceed4.1- Read all the options and conditions on my carrd.
Think carefully about your choice and the descriptions you need to give and fill in the google form at the bottom of this page (finish reading the rules first).
4.2- When filling the form:
Give a detailed description of the character, if you have reference images it's even better but not obligatory.
Be concise, I don't need to know anything about your character's life unless it affects their appearance.
4.3- I answer by email as soon as possible to confirm the commission, give you the exact price or discuss about details.4.4- Please try to be available while your commission is being processed. If for any reason beyond your control you find yourself unable to reply quickly (like in a week), I will put you on hold while I process the other commissions, then I will come back to you.4.5- Once we've agreed on the options and details, you pay 50% of the price as a deposit. I won't start work without this step.4.6- All along the way, intermediate steps will be shown to you for validation.4.7- You can ask for corrections if they are light.
If they are important, or if I have to go backwards in the process, there will be an additional cost.
4.8- Time needed is around two weeks to one month, depending on the complexity of your commission and the time that commercial commissions with dead line leave me.5.- In case of abandon:5.1- If you abandon the commission before I start working on it but you have already paid, I will refund the full amount.
If I've started work but I'm a long way from finishing, half the amount can be refunded.
If I'm more than halfway through the work, there's no refund.
If you abandon in a rude manner, you will be blacklisted and will never be able to commission me again.
5.2- I reserve the right to cancel a commission due to serious problems such as:
- Taking too long to reply without giving any explanation to keep me waiting (like a month or more)
- Being disrespectful
- Violation of one or more of my rules.
In this case there will be no refund as a penalty, and you will be blacklisted.
6.- Once the commission has been finished and validated:6.1- I send to you via wetransfer a low-resolution file with watermark for web and a high-resolution file for personal use only.6.2- I reserve the right to use the artwork to promote my services on portfolio and social media. (even on my main)6.3- Your characters and concepts remain yours, I don't make them my own.6.4- No commercial use will be made of your commission by myself except in the case of an artbook bringing together all my work as an artist.6.5- You do not have the right to make commercial use of the artwork, unless you have paid the right for it and received an invoice listing the conditions.6.6- It is strictly forbidden to use the artwork with anything related to NFTs and AI.6.7- You're allowed to post the artwork on your own pages just to show off or embellish your blog texts or fanfics, but you're obliged to give me proper credit as Risunsky or Risunsky Dellarte and put at least one of my links.7.- By clicking on the "submit" button on the google form (not the "ready" one just below), you accept all of its rules and promise to respect them.I know these rules sound very formal, but don't be afraid to make mistakes. I'm a patient and understanding person, and I'm well aware that unforeseen events and mistakes can happen. In these cases we can work things out, the important thing is to maintain communication. If you play dead, it's worse than having bad news.

If you have any questions, please contact me by e-mail or discord (same name)